Water – Wild Photos
While some fad diets might urge you to fast for several days as a way to renovate your digestive system, trying to go more than a day or two without water and you will soon understand the depth of our dependence on the most vital aspect of life.
Our human bodies are made up of between 70 and 73% water. As a perhaps symbolic comparison, over 70% of the earth’s surface is also made up of water. Just as our bodies would soon cease to exist if we lost even a small portion of water in our bodies, so too does all life on our blue planet depend on the continued existence of water.
Despite the existence of massive amounts of water in our world, the vast majority of that water is the unpotable salt water of the oceans. Only 2.5% of the water reserves of our world is fresh water and much of that is up in inaccessible ice caps. Only 1% of our freshwater reserves is easily accessible through lakes, rivers, springs, and aquifers.
Despite that relatively small amount of accessible water, our modern-day civilization has been doing everything it can to waste, contaminate and squander the most precious and crucial element for life.
We are pulling water up from our aquifers faster than they can replenish. Our fresh water streams are contaminated with toxic runoff from power plants and municipal garbage dumps. Many of our rivers no longer flow to the sea because of our overconsumption of water for such trivial purposes such as watering golf courses in a desert.
The truth is simple and undeniable: without water, we cannot live. If we don’t find way to change our firmly ingrained habits and care for the water resources that make life possible, we may very well find ourselves in the paradoxical situation of living on a blue planet without water to sustain life.
About The Photographer
Keoni Cabral is a part-Hawaiian photographer, digital artist, and abstract painter. Born and raised in Hawaii on the island of Oahu, Keoni now resides in San Diego, California. Creating images and living near the ocean are two things he considers nearly as essential to his life as food and shelter.
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